Squash Panini

In case the pictures cause confusion, in Italian panini simply means sandwiches (one panino, many panini). I never understood how English speakers decided that panini were no longer a plural and meant a specific kind of sandwich in a specific kind of bread, but I think it’s about time Italians start pointing out the nonsense (there can be no such thing as one panini). I have a feeling that the bread I used for my sandwiches doesn’t conform to ‘panini’ standards, but they most certainly are sandwiches – and that’s what panini means. Plus, I’m sure we can all agree that a post titled ‘Sandwiches’ would be incredibly boring. Anyway, I’ve always loved sandwiches, and they’ve been one of the things I’ve struggled with most since becoming vegan – which is why I get so happy when I make a discovery as delicious as this one! 

Squash PaniniIngredients (4 sandwiches)

  • 1/2 acorn squash
  • olive oil
  • dried rosemary
  • salt
  • pepper
  • vegan cream cheese (I use Tofutti)
  • whatever kind of bread you like for your sandwiches

Preparation (30 minutes)

Peel and cut the squash into slices about 1cm thick. Place on a pan on medium heat with a generous amount of olive oil and a lid on the pan. After about 10 minutes, flip them around and leave for another 10 minutes. Check to see if they’re starting to turn dark brown yet (just before burnt), if not, keep flipping and checking every 3 minutes until they look nice and brown. Toast the bread, then spread the cream cheese on both sides. Add the slices of squash, then sprinkle some dried rosemary, salt, and pepper on top. Eat and enjoy, I promise you these babies taste absolutely insane!