Polenta con Funghi Porcini

PolentaI’ve always loved polenta since the first time I tried it in a rifugio after a long hike in the Dolomites, and make it semi-regularly as a very cheap, delicious, and quick meal. And yet for some reason I’ve never even thought of posting it on here before! Anyway, here’s a very simple recipe, so feel free to experiment (let me know in the comments section if you do!) It takes no time at all and is guaranteed to satisfy your belly. 

Ingredients (serves 2)

  • 1 red onion
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 40g dried porcini mushrooms, soaked in water for 20 minutes
  • 250g chestnut mushrooms
  • 300g passata
  • 400g polenta
  • salt
  • pepper

Preparation (30 minutes)

Slice the onion and add it to a pan on medium high heat with some olive oil and garlic. Once the onion is golden brown, add the chestnut mushrooms, and wait 10 minutes or until they seem almost completely cooked. Next add the porcini and stir in; after about 6 minutes add the passata and stir. In the meantime fill a large pot with 3 cups of water and bring to a boil. Once the water is boiling, add the polenta, slowly and mixing it in. Add more or less depending on how thick you like it. When it becomes about the same consistency as mashed potatoes (just a little bit more liquid), stop adding polenta and remove it from the heat. Serve with a generous helping of the porcini sauce on top.